Women's Grievance Redressal Committee

S.No. Name of the Faculty Designation Position
1 Mrs. V. Kiranmayi Asst Professor Coordinator
2 Mrs.A.Rajani Asst Professor Member
3 Mrs.M.Srivani Asst Professor Member
4 Mrs.K.Umarani Asst Professor Member
5 Ms.Sathvika Po Reddy Student Member
6 Ms.D.Thirumala Student Member


Functions of Women's Grievance Redressal Committee (WGRC):

To provide a safe environment for girl students and women employees.
To educate the staff and students of the institute towards gender sensitization.
To organize various programs to educate teaching and non-teaching staff as well as students on gender sensitization.
To provide help desks and round the clock helpline.
Make use of the CCTV setup to initiate necessary preventive and corrective steps against harassment of women.
Organize awareness programs and various counseling services to the candidates in times of need.
To strengthen the physical and psychological attitude of women to handle critical circumstances.
Making everyone aware of the women’s act and legal consultative mechanism for safety and security of women.
To promote the awareness among girl students with respect to occupational, legal and constitutional rights.
To educate girl students on women specific health issues and the measures to be taken.
To sensitize girl students on gender equality and further encourage them to advocate gender equality within the community.
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