Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Curriculum Gaps and Content Delivery

Gap Identification Process

The Program Assessment Committee (PAC) reviews the curriculum thoroughly to formulate the Course outcomes, which in turn meet the POs and PSOs. The curriculum gap was identified by collecting feedback from all the stakeholders by conducting the meeting upon a discussion on the latest edge-cutting technologies to meet the industry readiness. Then the Department Academic Committee (DAC) will review the gaps identified by PAC, and suggest the contents additionally to be covered during the effective curriculum delivery, is Contents beyond the Syllabus.


Details of the content beyond the syllabus for the attainment of POs and PSOs

  • Pre-placement Training 
  • Training on Soft skills and value add programs 
  • Creative Projects 
  • Guest lectures 
  • Workshops/conference
  • Industrial Visits and internships
  • Library/internet assignments on contemporary issues.
  • Additional laboratory experiments


Mapping of content beyond syllabus with the POs

Content Name Beyond Syllabus PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 
Pre-placement Training        
Training on Soft Skills          
Creative Projects  
Guest Lectures
Industrial Visits & Internships        


Mapping of content beyond syllabus with the PSOs

Content Name Beyond Syllabus PSO 1 PSO 2 PSO 3
Pre-placement Training
Training on Soft Skills  
Creative Projects
Guest Lectures
Industrial Visits and Internships  


The process of assessment of curriculum gap analysis

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